Suche nach Beiträgen von Sansfunnybone
Die Suche lieferte 3 Ergebnisse:
Re: Multiple Accounts.
von Sansfunnybone am 04.03.2016 05:27Nah, its cool also we have custom smileys now. If you didnt know.
von Sansfunnybone am 03.03.2016 07:39Now, you cant use the chat box, its still beta (i contacted the fellows at yooco) and it wont work for a while. Instead, just click the chat bar at the top, and you can use the chat.
von Sansfunnybone am 02.03.2016 06:26uhm, bro? roleplay is when you pretend to be someone else.i thought it would be fun to roleplay as humans, or other monsters.